Alissa Bender
Hamilton Mennonite Church, Ontario
Alissa (she/her) lives in Hamilton, Ontario where she pastors, cycles, and makes as much music as possible.
Matthew Froese
First Mennonite Church, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Matthew (he/him) is a professional engineer in Winnipeg, Manitoba, and is a member of First Mennonite Church of Winnipeg. Matt loves singing and racing triathlons.
Leah Harder
Community Mennonite Church of Stouffville, Ontario
Leah (she/her) lives on a farm with various humans and animals. She loves finding beauty in the outdoors and anywhere she can find it.
Pieter Niemeyer
Toronto United Mennonite Church, Ontario
Pieter Niemeyer (he/him) has 21 years of congregational ministry and social justice engagement. He loves traveling, hiking and good conversation. Together, with his partner Mauricio, he participates in the community life of Toronto United Mennonite Church.
Mauricio Palacio
Toronto United Mennonite Church, Ontario
Mauricio identifies as a Colombian-Canadian, Catholic-Mennonite gay man. As an ex-Jesuit and Mennonite, building bridges and sharing in a community context are central to him.
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